Quarter Life Crisis?



It’s a kind of an existential crisis where you wake up and go to work and have a decent day but then you get home and you realize how everything feels so routine and you wonder if that is what you really want in life. So you question everything. And the doubt bleeds into everything and everyone around you. Although it really isn’t their fault that you genuinely don’t know what the fuck you want. So you start to get nervous and your mind races. And maybe if you have a creative streak you wonder if you would be better off chasing that dream but then you also question if that dream really makes sense. Or you ask yourself the questions an innocent eighteen year old you would never ask: BUT HOW CAN I MAKE STUPID COMFORTABLE MONEY OUT OF THIS?

So what do you do when the first of those demons come to haunt you?

First you make peace with the fact that this probably isn’t the last day they will show.

And you sit it out and find comfort in soulful RnB and just wait to feel normal again.



Thank you for reading. Tell me what you think :)